Videos — Recent in house videos

Ayurvedic Tips for Seasonal Detox

Dr. Shailinder Sodhi reminds us we all experience a regrowth during springtime, just like plants and the natural world. Find out what spring regrowth means, and how Ayurveda can help us detoxify and improve our overall wellness routine.

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Sounds of Digestion, Why Does the Gut Make so Much Noise? With Dr. Virender Sodhi.

Dr. Virender Sodhi, CEO of Ayush Herbs, discusses digestive gurgles and other sounds and how they reflect the health of our whole gut. In Ayurveda, digestive health and comfort is one of the most important aspects of health and is believed to impact every other organ system in our bodies. Today, modern science agrees! Join Dr. Sodhi, the first Ayurvedic and Naturopathic doctor in the United States, for some helpful tips to keep your digestive health at its best!

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Know your Poop! Fecal Education with Dr. Virender Sodhi of Ayush Herbs™.

Gut and digestive health is absolutely important for healthspan and overall wellness. Good health works from the inside out. Learn about your poop from an Ayurvedic perspective with Dr. Virender Sodhi. Why are there so many different smells associated with poop? Why does my poop smell different when I eat meat, or vegetables?

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Herb traceability explained with Dr. Virender Sodhi

At Ayush and ruved, we are committed to transparency in everything we do. We are proud to roll out our new traceability platforms to let you have access to let you have access to your unique products' journey from farm, to capsule, to you!

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Ashwagandha for pets with Dr. Tejinder Sodhi

Ashwagandha is not just for humans, it's great for pets too! Join Dr. Tejinder Sodhi, Veterinarian and Formulator for Ayush Pet Products, to learn the many ways Ashwagandha promotes health for our furry friends!

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Loosing weight as a vegetarian with Dr. Virender Sodhi

In a world where there are so many options to lose weight, join Dr. Virender Sodhi, Naturopathic and Ayurvedic doctor, as he explains easy quick tips to get the most out of a vegetarian diet. Note that not all vegetarian diets are created equal! Learn the best version of a healthy vegetarian diet not just for sustainable, lasting weight loss, but for all around healthy and longevity!

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Meet Dr. Tejinder Sodhi ,D.V.M., C.V.C.

Dr. Tejinder Sodhi graduated from the college of Veterinary Science in Punjab, India in 1983. Dr. Sodhi came to the United States in1985 where he did his ECFVG certification with the American Veterinarian Association. As a part of that certification, he completed his internship in a small animal and equine veterinary clinic and surgical internship with the Seattle Veterinary Association (Greenlake Gp)and Redmond Animal Clinic, respectively. He also the lead formulator for Ayush Pet, combing traditional veterinarian knowledge with a mastery in herbal veterinarian medicine. Dr. Sodhi currently runs and owns two clinics; one in Lynwood & one in Bellevue,...

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Brain Yoga with Dr. Virender Sodhi

This one simple yoga exercise can wake up both your body and mind, keeping you focused throughout the day. Join Dr. Virender Sodhi as he demonstrates and explains the "Ganesha Squat". What it is, how it works, and why it's so simple yet so good for you.

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Ayurved or Ayurveda?- Dr. Virender Sodhi explains

Ayurved or Ayurved? Dr. Sodhi dispels the confusion around the translation of Ayurvedic terms such as Yoga, and Ayurveda in the English Language.

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Are You Using Heart Healthy Wright Salt?

Is salt simply salt? In a world where we are constantly told to monitor our salt intake, Dr.Virender Sodhi breaks down what salt is as well as healthy, natural, alternatives like Wright Salt which offer much more than simple sodium.

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Answering common supplement questions with Dr. Brian Keenan

Meet our education manager Dr. Brian Keenan, listen as he answers some of the most common questions about when is best to take supplements.

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What is the Gut-Brain Connection?

How do emotions impact your digestion? What about your perceptions? Dr. Virender Sodhi of Ayush Herbs discusses the Gut-Brain connection and how to powerfully enhance your digestive health with simple tips to balance the Gut-Brain connection.

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Is Ayurveda outdated? Ayurveda in modern times and common misconceptions.

Dr. Virender Sodhi breaks down some common misconceptions about Ayurvedic medicine and traditional medicine in the modern era.

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Is milk healthy? What does Ayurveda say about milk? Dr. Sodhi explains.

Milk has long been a staple of Ayurvedic medicine, but Milk quality has changed in modern times. Dr. Virender Sodhi breaks down how milk is used in Ayurveda and how herbal synergy unlocks the potential of milk. Also learn how to avoid some of the less desirable effects commonly associated with milk using Ayurvedic strategies.

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